2100 Webster St #214, San Francisco, CA 94115
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Eating More in Winter? You’re Not Alone

A picture of various foods like salmon, almonds, broccoli and others I swear I find myself eating more now that it’s winter.  I blame my constant snacking on the cold, shorter daylight hours, basically anything and everything other than myself.  As it turns out, people do have a subconscious urge to over-eat, especially in winter.  (Thank you internet!)  There are a couple of reasons that drive us to eat more during winter.

Reasons Why I May Be Eating More…

1. It’s cold out

2. Being less active

3. Dehydration

4. Winter blues

5. We believe we will gain weight!  Yes, because we already believe that we will gain weight means that we’re already setting ourselves up for failure.  However, if you do end up reaching for more calories this winter, it’s important to eat sensible foods that are good for the body and eyes.

Complex Carbohydrates

It’s cold out and all I want to do is shovel hearty soups, chicken pot pies, and scalloped potatoes into my mouth but it’s best to eat complex carbs.  It takes your body longer to break them down and these type of carbs contain less sugar.  What are complex carbs?  A few examples are oats, barley, brown rice, and whole grain bread.  I’ve listed a couple of easy ways to incorporate complex carbs into your diet.

Broth-Based Soups: Make sure your soups are broth-based loaded with beans and vegetables instead of cream based.  The soup will taste just as hearty and filling without the calories and healthier.

Sweet potato fries in a pan Sweet Potatoes: Make the switch to sweet potatoes, squash, and pumpkins.  Sweet potatoes are full of beta-carotene which are good for your eyes.  It’s easy to make sweet potato fries.  Cut a sweet potato into thin strips and then roast in the oven with a little olive oil, add season and a bit of salt.

Brown Rice: Always, Always choose brown rice.  While white rice mixes well with sauces, it’s best to stick to brown rice.  White rice is processed and is stripped of many vitamins and minerals.

Popcorn: Great guilt-free snack!  Popcorn is a whole grain, full of complex carbs and fiber.

Good for your Eyes

Wild Salmon: Rich in omega 3 which will protect the tiny blood vessels in the eyes.  Cook whole in your oven or eat them raw.  Just make sure the salmon is fresh if digesting raw.

Bell peppers: May reduce age-related macular degeneration (AMD).  Just one cup of bell peppers contains 3 grams of fiber and your daily recommended dose of Vitamin A and C.  Chop them up in your salad or throw them in with your meat.

Turkey: Loaded with Zinc and Vitamin B3 will help prevent cataracts.  Make some ground turkey tacos or roast one for dinner.

Carrots: Carrots contain a lot of vitamin A and E, which will reduce the impact of Cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.  Throw them in your salad or roast them in the oven.

Spinach, Kale and Dark, Leafy Greens: These antioxidants act like natural sunscreen for your eyes.  The vitamins from greens will protect your eyes from harmful rays. Steam them, stick them in your salads, or make a spinach dip.

Oatmeal in a bowl Blueberries: Are packed with antioxidants and may help reduce your risk of cataracts, and glaucoma. Also, they improve learning and memory capacity.  Blueberries may fight the side effects of Alzheimer’s, prevent heart disease, cancer, and other conditions.  Eat them raw, in yogurt or make a pie, either you can’t go wrong with Blueberries.

Good for your Body and Eyesight

If you find yourself hungry and reaching for the box of chocolates, remember to reach for foods rich in vitamin and complex carbs too.  Eat the right foods today will lead to a better you later in life.  Get your eyes to check every year is important too.  Call us or request an appointment today to make sure your eyes are healthy.



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2100 Webster St, San Francisco, CA 94115