Category: Cataracts

Achieve the Best Cataract Surgery Recovery
Millions of people each year undergo cataract surgery. Recovery from your cataract procedure is usually pretty smooth. However, we’ve outlined some general guidelines to help you through the healing process. Drs. Danny Lin, Scott So and Karen Oxford provide tips to help you recover from cataract surgery. Day of Surgery Cataract surgery is a out… Read More

Cataract Surgery: Which is the better lens, Multifocal or Monofocal?
Cataracts affect millions of people every year. More than 24 million people, age 40 or older, in the United States. The good news is that there is a cure, cataract surgery. Did you know that cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries? While cataract surgery sounds intimidating and scary, cataract surgery is quick,… Read More

Cataract Surgery and COVID-19: Is it Safe?
Every year about 3 million Americans undergo cataract surgery. However, this year a lot of individuals are wondering whether or not cataract surgery is safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many individuals may be postponing their procedures to limit their exposure to COVID-19. However, cataract surgery is a decision that best made between you and your… Read More

Do you have Cataracts? New Technology to Help Improve Your Vision
What is PanOptix®? PanOptix is a new lens clinically shown to deliver an exceptional combination of near, intermediate, and distance vision while significantly reducing the need for glasses after surgery. In addition, the center of the AcrySof IQ PanOptix Trifocal IOL allows for better near (reading) vision and intermediate (computer work) vision. How Does PanOptix… Read More

Dr. David Heiden: 2018 Humanitarian Service Award
Dr. David Heiden received the 2018 Outstanding Humanitarian Service Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology. He was nominated by Pacific Vision Foundation and Seva Foundation. Out of 32,000 members, only two physicians were selected for this honor. Dr. Heiden received the award in recognition of his work to bring state-of-the-art blindness prevention techniques to… Read More

What is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma affects about 200,000 individuals a year and some people may they have glaucoma and not even know it. Glaucoma is a condition that shows no symptoms. In the beginning stages, glaucoma does not affect your vision. You may be a glaucoma suspect for many years and may not need any kind of treatment or… Read More

Need Cataract Surgery? This is Good News.
The word cataract may sound foreign to you and perhaps a bit scary even because the word, surgery, usually follows this word. However, we assure you that cataracts are not a scary disease. In fact, this surgery may improve your vision and lifestyle. Before we dive into surgery side, let’s chat about what is exactly… Read More