Category: Sunglasses

5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy
This Valentine’s Day, don’t take your eyes for granted! Your eyes are a hugely important organ and allow you to see the world around you, so what can you do to take care of them? Here are 5 easy ways to keep your eyes healthy. 1. Eating Well Fueling your body with the right foods… Read More

Buying the Right Sunglasses to Protect Your Eyes
Sunglasses are more than a fashion statement. But…do sunglasses really protect my eyes? The answer is Yes! The white of your eye, cornea, retina, iris, and lens of your eye are susceptible to damage from too much sun exposure. Why are sunglasses so important? 1. Sunglasses also protect the skin around your eyes. The skin… Read More

Best Investment Advice That No One Wants You To Know About? LASIK
There has been an unusual amount of rain in San Francisco this year. Lately, the recent flash flood warnings and mudslides in Sausalito this morning, has me thinking whether or not I am ready to evacuate my house. For example, I need to start putting my eyeglasses on my side table every night. Should I… Read More

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month: Why Should I Care?
January signals a fresh start with new resolutions. A better and improved you. For us, at Pacific Eye Associates we would like to remind you that January is Glaucoma Awareness Month! Many of you are probably thinking what is Glaucoma? Or maybe a few of you have loved ones who have Glaucoma and may know… Read More

New Year’s Resolutions: 3 Easy Ways To Take Better Care of your Eyes!
Happy 2019! Eyes are a very important organ that is largely forgotten about by many individuals. We use our eyes from the moment we wake up to the moment we close them again to sleep. And while the Netflix movie, Bird Box, suggests that we don’t need our eyes or perhaps the movie reinforces the… Read More

Fleet Week is Here: Remember those Sunglasses
It’s October and it’s Fleet Week. The Blue Angels are back in town. Click for the Blue Angels Flying Schedule (you’re welcome). It’s hard to concentrate when the roaring of jet engines are blasting above your head, so you toss your papers to the ground and head outside. If you can’t ignore the noise, why… Read More