Monthly Archives: January 2019

Ready for the Next Earthquake? Remember your contacts lenses, solutions and eyeglasses!
Earthquake! Are you prepared? In the Bay Area, we are prone to earthquakes. Just last week, there were two(!) 3.4 quakes in Berkeley. While a 3.4 is classified as minor on the magnitude scale, the quake was still felt throughout the Bay Area. Today’s Self-Care Challenge is to set up a disaster kit and prepare yourself… Read More

Glaucoma Awareness Month: An Interview with One of Our Best Doctor, Dr. Scott So
In last week blog, we wrote about Glaucoma. What this disease is, reasons why you should care, and ways you can do to prevent Glaucoma. In this week’s blog, we’re going to highlight other fun facts (or perhaps we should say not so fun facts). Along with an interview with our Glaucoma Surgeon and Specialist,… Read More

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month: Why Should I Care?
January signals a fresh start with new resolutions. A better and improved you. For us, at Pacific Eye Associates we would like to remind you that January is Glaucoma Awareness Month! Many of you are probably thinking what is Glaucoma? Or maybe a few of you have loved ones who have Glaucoma and may know… Read More

New Year’s Resolutions: 3 Easy Ways To Take Better Care of your Eyes!
Happy 2019! Eyes are a very important organ that is largely forgotten about by many individuals. We use our eyes from the moment we wake up to the moment we close them again to sleep. And while the Netflix movie, Bird Box, suggests that we don’t need our eyes or perhaps the movie reinforces the… Read More