Category: Retina

Happy Retirement to Drs. Arthur Allen & Everett Ai
We are sad to announce the retirement of Dr. Arthur Allen and Dr. Everett Ai. Both Drs. Allen and Ai have been an integral part of our practice for the last 50 years. It is difficult, if not impossible to sum up their achievements and contributions. Their hard work, commitment and dedication to Pacific Eye… Read More

Dr. David Heiden: 2018 Humanitarian Service Award
Dr. David Heiden received the 2018 Outstanding Humanitarian Service Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology. He was nominated by Pacific Vision Foundation and Seva Foundation. Out of 32,000 members, only two physicians were selected for this honor. Dr. Heiden received the award in recognition of his work to bring state-of-the-art blindness prevention techniques to… Read More

February: Football & Age-related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month!
Welcome to February. The new month may mean different things for different people. For all the sports fanatics, the first Sunday of the month means the Super Bowl! The New England Patriots are in the finals again. In Super Bowl 53, Tom Brady is facing off against the young Ram Jared Goff in Atlanta. Or,… Read More

3 Common Misconceptions about Eye Health
What to believe? Does reading in dim light really ruin your eyesight? Or what about staring at the computer screen all day. Will looking at the sun cause damage? This week, our blog will debunk fact from fiction. Dim Light Reading in dim light is not harmful and will not ruin your vision. Despite what… Read More